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« Législatives 2024: Partis défendent programme économique »

Looking for more depth?

Connect with our live session from Wednesday, June 19 using this link. You can also find all our articles, analyses, and reports on the legislative campaign by clicking here.

Here are some highlights:

– Investigation: Why is Serge Klarsfeld, a prominent figure in anti-nazism, ready to vote for RN?
– Insight: Why is the rejection of ecology a driving factor for National Rally votes?
– Report: In Louviers, voters peacefully support their far-right vote – « This is when everything can change, the RN seems ready to govern ».
– Facts: The situation in New Caledonia -« unreal » legislative elections that worsen divisions.
– Analysis: Why is the decline in access to public services fueling the vote for RN?
– Summary: Find out the list of candidates for the 2024 legislative elections in your constituency.
– Insight: Eric Ciotti’s fate continues to burden a difficult legislative campaign for The Republicans.
– Our answers: Practical questions for voting.

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